Avoid Burnout & Replenish Mental Clarity With CBD
Between the digital and default world, it isn’t surprising that many people face difficulties staying focused these days. In the natural products world, it’s common to see people turn to adaptogens and other performance enhancing supplements to keep up with their busy lives. Despite how tempting that sounds, it can be a risky game, as adaptogens often can further send you into burnout and adrenal fatigue. This can leave your body drained of energy and even emotional stability. So, how can we stay sharp and keep up in such a fast moving world without hurting our bodies in the long term? Well, the answer may be more simple than you think!
CBD is a natural and gentle compound for the body that acts as a restorative supplement without pushing your body into burnout. This is because CBD assists in regulating the nervous system functions, empowering the body’s natural processes, rather than sending them into overdrive. CBD works by stimulating the endocannabinoid system, inducing wakefulness, activeness, which improves concentration and attentiveness.

We do our best to provide up-to-date information but this is not medical advice. Please consult a physician for specific CBD questions/concerns or before trying CBD. Some of the links on this website may be affiliate links which means we may earn commission (at no extra cost to you). This helps keep our website ad free and pay our awesome team to keep researching and creating content for you.
Focus & Attention Span
When trying to understand concentration of the mind, we can break it down into subconscious (exogenous), and active (endogenous) cognitive function. Subconscious focus are simply functions we are not actively thinking about, like our heartbeat, breath, and other functions of the body that do not require conscious thought. Whereas, active cognitive function is categorized as active focus, or things like playing a game or solving a mathematical equation.
It is this active focus that most people struggle with, especially in young people or those with neurodivergence. According to the Association for Psychological Science, concentration levels may increase with age. Based on their findings, a child below the age of six may only have the ability to hold focus for up to 18 minutes, while a sixteen year old may be able to focus for up to 48 minutes.
It’s important to note that this study was more focused on attention spans related to being focused on an activity, and not to be confused with acute attention span, which typically measures in seconds (for example, an adult may have an acute attention span of 8 seconds).
How CBD Acts on the Brain
Within the nervous system we have a set of receptors called the endocannabinoid system. This is the part of our body and brain that interact with CBD molecules, and is primarily responsible for the regulation of various hormonal processes in the body. One of the primary hormones that CBD regulates the secretion of is cortisol, or the stress-inducing hormone. It also plays a primary function in the regulation of serotonin production, which is known as the ‘feel-good’ hormone.
By regulating both of these compounds in the body, CBD can help in how we process information, pain, memory, and emotional experiences that are caused by changes in hormone levels in the body. CBD works by only blocking the receptors of the endocannabinoid receptors so that stress-inducing chemicals or other harmful molecules do not bind to the receptors.
The body will have to compensate for stress less, as CBD alleviates the body from physical and mental stress. This phenomenon may improve brain function and offer consistent mental clarity.
CBD Relieves Neurological Symptoms
CBD offers promise as a pharmacological tool for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. It has both neuroprotective and antioxidative effects, which can aid in symptomatic relief in disorders like Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.
CBD is currently being studied for both cellular regenerative properties as well as symptomatic relief. This leaves medical experts optimistic with the possibility that CBD may be able to help stop the painful symptoms of many neurological disorders, while simultaneously slowing the onset of disease.
Although CBD can be useful for neurotypical minds, there is now substantial anecdotal evidence pointing towards CBD having therapeutic effects on the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is possible that CBD may be able to positively impact the behavioral symptoms of ADHD like impulsive behavior, anxiety, and the inability to stay focused for longer periods of time.
There is no concrete evidence yet to say that CBD could cure any of these disorders, but CBD can help in relaxation and minimizing acute symptoms. When consumed, CBD stimulates a response from the dopamine receptors in the body, which can ease fidgeting and anxiety.
Dopamine acts as a neurotransmitter and is largely responsible for memory and focus. Not being able to exude attentive behavior can lead to a lack of neurotransmitters to convey the messages – which is the primary cause of lack of concentration and focus. When CBD is consumed on a regular basis, this could help restore the body back to homeostasis, meaning the hormonal systems would be restored to a regular function.
How CBD May Help Combat Depression
Depression can be incredibly draining on energy and your ability to focus, as it often comes with irregular moods, sleep issues, and anxiety. This is because of the strong influence CBD has over the brains ability to regulate processes like appetite, sex drive, moods, and sleep.
Although CBD won’t directly cure or treat the underlying cause of depression, it has been described as a potential natural alternative for antidepressants in the sense that it can help ease the symptoms of depression and allow for more restorative sleep, healthier diet, and mood stability. By supporting these healthy nervous system functions, the brain can have an easier time accessing memory and handling stressors that might have been impossible to face in a challenging bout of depression.
Ingredients that Enhance CBD for Focus
When exploring the best CBD products to improve mental focus, there are some ingredients that will increase effectiveness. MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides) is a common tincture ingredient derived from coconuts. By adding MCT or other clean, fatty oils to CBD, the bioavailability of the CBD will be increased. This will make the product more effective, requiring lower dosing, and will also guarantee absorption into the nervous system quickly.
Restore and Explore Your Mental Health with CBD
There is still so much to uncover about CBD and the mental health benefits it may provide. We already have evidence to show that CBD may alleviate symptoms of mental disorders and soothe the anxiety and stressors that can leave us out of our minds and bodies.
CBD may be the supplement to add to your daily routine that could enhance your mental clarity and relieve the stressors that have kept you from focusing on what matters most to you.
Any statements made in this post are not intended to replace advice from a medical professional. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any CBD product.
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