The Rise Of CBD For Dogs
With all the commotion around CBD and its promises for medicinal applications, veterinarians have begun exploring the use of CBD in their practices for pets, especially CBD for dogs in Canada.
In 2020, pet owners spent roughly 99 billion in pet supplies and medicine, an amount 12 times the previous year. It was projected that the CBD market for companion animals increased from 32 million in 2018 to 629 in 2021.
CBD has become a popular solution for pet owners to assist their furry friends with conditions such as anxiety, chronic pain, and seizures.

We do our best to provide up-to-date information but this is not medical advice. Please consult a physician for specific CBD questions/concerns or before trying CBD. Some of the links on this website may be affiliate links which means we may earn commission (at no extra cost to you). This helps keep our website ad free and pay our awesome team to keep researching and creating content for you.
Does CBD work the same for dogs and humans?
One of the most common curiosities raised is whether or not dogs feel the same effects on CBD that a human would. Ultimately, there is not much difference between the two experiences. Our bodies respond to inflammation and spasms in a similar fashion, and CBD acts with our nervous system to help regulate biological processes and provide relief.
The largest difference comes down to body size. Dogs are considerably smaller than humans, and will require a much smaller dose of CBD to feel the desired effects.
The benefits of CBD for dogs
Similar to the health benefits of CBD for humans, the medicinal applications of CBD for dogs are extensive. Below we have broken down the most common, research-backed benefits of CBD for dogs.
A study conducted at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine found dogs given CBD at a rate of 4.4 mg per pound, twice a day for a month showed significant improvement in both pain relief and quality of life. In this study, they were able to see dogs who were once unmobile and ill, bounce back and even climb stairs and move about quickly again.
This experiment was repeated in a number of clinical settings with supportive results. CBD not only helps to manage the pain associated with arthritis, but it may also help reduce swelling that can cause mobility issues.
Two recent double-blind, placebo-controlled dog studies report CBD significantly reduces itchiness. An Australian study conducted by the company CannPal found their CBD product reduced itchiness, inflammation, and skin lesions by 51 percent after eight weeks of treatment.
It was found that cells treated with CBD and standard chemotherapy drugs reduced cancer-cell proliferation in vitro more than the chemotherapy drug alone. This has been followed by many anecdotal reports from vets who have claimed that CBD shrunk cancer cells and has even put dogs into remission.
Behaviour & Mood
Dog owners seek CBD most commonly to support mood stability and manage anxiety in their dogs. Though there have been hundreds of anecdotal reports of this helping, there is yet to be a controlled study to examine how effective CBD is for stress in dogs.
However, there has been a study that shows a lot of optimism towards CBD as an effective mood stabilizer for aggressive behaviors in dogs. Shelter dogs with aggressive tendencies exhibited less aggression toward humans when tested after 15 days of CBD administration.
There is a significant amount of first-hand accounts of pet owners saying CBD aid in the prevention and treatment of seizures in dogs. A study conducted at Colorado State University explored the effects of CBD for dogs with seizure disorders. It was found that CBD decreased the frequency of seizures in dogs by 33%, compared to dogs given a placebo. Their results were somewhat inconclusive as it did not work for every dog treated with CBD in the study.
Despite the lack of substantial evidence currently, researchers are working now on larger trial studies with significantly higher doses of CBD.
Additional benefits of CBD for dogs in Canada
Some studies have shown that CBD can promote bone health, fighting infection, treating inflammatory bowel disease, slowing degenerative myelopathy, as well as treating symptoms like pain and nausea. Though these studies have been conducted on other mammals, it has yet to be examined in dogs specifically.
Are there any risks in giving your dog CBD?
CBD is derived from hemp plants rather than cannabis when it is being used for the purpose of dog-friendly medicine. This guarantees that there is less than trace amounts of THC present. This is important for a number of reasons.
THC can often be toxic for dogs, causing them to exhibit symptoms like nausea, fatigue, coordination issues, anxiety, or even seizures. In most cases, a THC poisoning won’t kill your pooch, but it’s good to make sure if this happens that your dog is in a cool, safe, space with plenty of water and attention.
It’s important to note that CBD’s effect on cytochrome P450 could interfere with prescribed anti-seizure drugs, so never use it without your veterinarian’s consent.
CBD is non-toxic to dogs and cats, meaning it is a relatively safe supplement to administer at home. In too high of a dose, you may notice some stimulation or even sedation in your pet’s behaviour, however this will subside.
Always consult a Veterinarian before giving your pets CBD. This is not medical advice.
CBD Dosing For Dogs
Doses can vary depending on the target goal for treatment. It is commonly known to work up a dose gradually over time until you notice pain-relief or a desired level of calmness.
On average, dog owners will administer 0.1 to 0.2 mg per kilogram of the dog’s weight. This will give you the amount for a single dose of CBD. It is common to offer this dose orally to a dog twice a day, at meal times.
Since CBD is a biphasic substance, giving too little or too much will not work effectively.
CBD offers an all natural remedy for your Dogs health
There is still so much to understand about CBD and its impact on dogs and cats health. It is currently a safe product, although due to the fact it has somewhat loose regulations it is important to inquire about third party testing of products and efficacy.
Consulting your local veterinarian will ensure you find reputable brands that provide the proper dosing for your sweet pup.
In the end, CBD is a non-toxic, all-natural remedy that is both human and pet safe. Next time there is a big thunderstorm, or a long road trip with your dog – maybe CBD is the solution that will keep your dog’s tail wagging, hips loose, and mind at ease.
Any statements made in this post are not intended to replace advice from a medical professional. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any CBD product.
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